
AGR Electrical Engineering started in 2008 with Gil Rhodes being the Principal Electrical Engineer. Gil has worked throughout several industries for other companies prior to starting AGR since completing an honours electrical and computing engineering degree in 2000.
Gil is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia (FIEAust) and is also a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ Electrical). As well AGR is well recognised as a solutions provider with heavy industry based projects, plant maintenance and operations including high/low voltage power distribution, complex control systems and works management.
Gil is also fully trade certified being a licensed electrical fitter/mechanic with many years on the tools in various industries including domestic, commercial and industrial installation and service, switchboard manufacturing and HVAC systems.
AGR’s experience has included greenfield/brownfield design, construction, commissioning, operations and maintenance at breweries, mines, complex process plants, material handling, water treatment, power stations and medium scale solar installations (30kW-3MW). As well, AGR is very familiar with the workings within and across multiple business groups including project management, procurement, network interfacing and contract management.
Since starting, AGR has worked with companies from small electrical contractors to large engineering consultancy firms and industrial plants on new projects, brownfield expansions, large scale design, construction, commissioning, overhauls/shutdowns and feasibility studies.
AGR firmly believes for any electrical installation that safety, compliance, quality and integrity of the total solution are paramount. Where there are optional clauses throughout the appropriate standards or other statutory documents, then the best direction is to adopt more than one if not all. This adds dependability of the measures to work together to provide the highest level of protection rather than relying on a single point where a reduction in protection may lead to less than desirable outcomes.
From hands on experience & a proven engineering record through to trusted networks & on-demand resources, AGR Electrical Engineering has the understanding & capability to ensure all works are successfully designed, managed and completed to best industry practice and well above required standards.